
Photo via www.olbert.us
2020年10月23日、ハンター・バイデンの悪名高いラップトップから一つの写真が見つかった。その写真には、ハンターがケネス・ラキシェフ(Kenes/Kenges Rakishev)と写っていた。ラキシェフは、現在、カザフスタンのBTA銀行の会長である。ジョー・バイデンの隣に立って写っているのは、他ならぬカリム・マシノフ(Karim Masinov/Massinov)である。この時、カリム・マシノフがカザフスタンの国家安全保障委員会のトップという役職にあり、本質的に彼が全カザフスタンの諜報機関のトップであるということに気がついていた者は、彼らの間で誰もいなかった。(彼は、同国の国家安全保障委員会のトップとして、特にカザフスタンの国境管理、対テロ戦略、そして軍事的な対諜報活動に対して指揮権を行使している。)マシモフは、KGB/PGUのスパイのリクルーティング場所と多くの専門家たちがみなすソ連の大学で教育を受けた。どう見ても、ジョー・バイデンはカザフスタンのスパイ長官の隣に立って(写って)いる。
(左から)ケネス・ラキシェフ(BTA銀行の会長)、ハンター・バイデン、ジョー・バイデン、カリム・マシノフ(カザフスタンのスパイ長官)(Photo via www.olbert.us)
01 May 1992: The European reports that an Russian SVR report, sent to CIA, details the disappearance of two nuclear warheads from the Semipalatinsk Test Site (“STS” or “Semipalatinsk-21”) in Kazakhstan; report speculates that Reza Amrollahi, chief of the Iranian Organization for Atomic Energy, may have purchased them from Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev; Nazarbayev incredulously attempts to cover his tracks by claiming that Atomic Research Institute of Kazakhstan scientists may have stolen them; a third warhead is mentioned as missing but its destination is presumed to be in “the Middle East”
XX December 1994: Kazakh Official Retains Jim Giffin and his Company, Mercator Corp, to “assist in, among other things, the sale of a portion of Kazakhstan’s interest in the Tengiz oil field.”
06 November 1995: Jim Giffin, Chairman of Mercator Corp., Transfers First Tranche of Millions of Dollars from Mobil Oil for Kazakhstan “Oilfield Deal” to Swiss Bank Accounts Secretly Controlled by Kazakh Officials
02 April 2003: U.S. v. Giffen, et al. (S.D.N.Y., Docket No: 03-CR-404-WHP) Filed in Kazakhgate Case
15 March 2004: Mercator Corp. Jim Giffin FIRST Superseding Indictment in Kazakhgate Case Implicating Two Kazakh Officials (“KO-I and KO-2”)
04 August 2004: Mercator Corp. Jim Giffin SECOND Superseding Indictment in Kazakhgate Case Implicating Three Kazakh Officials (“KO-I, KO-2 and KO-3”)
05 June 2005: Bill Clinton allegedly meets Canadian Frank Guistra, CEO of UrAsia Energy, Ltd., in White Plains, NY
25 August 2005: Bloomberg reports on Jim Giffin Kazakhgate case w/ headline “KAZAKHSTAN: Mobil, CIA secrets may come out,” implicating major oil companies and then-Kazakh Communist Party leader Nursultan Nazarbayev
06 September 2005: Canadian mining financier Frank Guistra, CEO of UrAsia Energy, Ltd., and former-President Bill Clinton land in Almaty, Kazakhstan and are greeted by a midnight banquet with President Nursultan Nazarbayev; within three days, Guistra had signed a deal with Moukhtar Dzhakishev, president of Kazatomprom (Kazakhstan’s state-owned nuclear energy corporation), to buy stakes in three Kazakh uranium projects, at least two of which were stakes acquired from a Kazakh investment group headed by ex-Energy Minister Moukhtar Ablyazov
19 June 2006: “KAZAKHSTAN: ADVOCACY: KAZMUNAIGAZ DELAYS ’N BLOCK’ DECISION” State Department Cable ((CONF//NOFORN)) details multiple bits of information regarding ConocoPhillips attempts to negotiate a deal with the Government of Kazakhstan, including intelligence indicating high-level involvement from both US and Kazakhstani officials
19 September 2006: Nuclear Threat Initiative Commits $50 Million to Create IAEA Nuclear Fuel Bank in Kazakhstan
XX February 2007: Iran’s Natanz fuel enrichment plant (FEP), gas centrifuge enrichment facility, begins operation
09 March 2007: Former FBI agent Robert Levinson is detained by suspected Iranian security agents in the lobby of his hotel on Kish Island, Iran, a Persian Gulf resort area and free-trade zone for which no Iranian visa is required.
29 March 2007: An email is forwarded to Amos Hochstein, Joe Biden’s future energy advisor, addressed to Uranium One whistleblow Douglas Campbell. The email references plans to “neutralize” US Enrichment Corp. (USEC), which future Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel Poneman successfully does.
03 April 2007: “KAZAKHSTAN: EXXONMOBIL PURSUING ONSHORE PARTNERSHIP WITH KAZMUNAIGAZ SUBSIDIARY” State Department Cable ((CONF/NOFORN)) Recounting Conversation from Rick Vierbuchen, Vice President of ExxonMobil Exploration Company, to Ambassador John Ordway
18 November 2007: John Brennan Pens Document Detailing Recommendations to the next President (assuming office in Jan. 2009) on how to play the figures on the U.S.-Iranian Chessboard, saying that the US and Iran have “no choice but to find a way to coexist.”
17 December 2007: Reuters reports that Russia delivered its first shipment of fuel to Iran’s Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant
27 March 2008: Abrahm Lustgarten, writing for CNN, profiles Kazakhstan’s uranium czar, Moukhtar Dzhakishev, head of Kazatomprom
15 January 2009: World Nuclear News reports that Kazakhstan has increased uranium production by 28% in 2008 (to 8521 tonnes, compared with 6637 tonnes in 2007), noting that production figures are some 1080 tonnes less than planned, but not why. Might Iran’s Gachin, Saghand, and Ardakan mines have been producing insufficient amounts of uranium to keep pace with Iran’s illicit needs, leading them to seek uranium from Kazatomprom?
21 May 2009: Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel B. Poneman is granted a special waiver by the Department of Energy requiring that he not divest from his investments with Hogan & Hartson (now Hogan Lovells) where he was previously a partner. Before Hogan & Hartson, Poneman was with the firm of Covington & Burling. (From 2001 to 2009, future-Attorney General Eric Holder was a partner at Covington & Burling, where he returned in 2015 after Loretta Lynch was confirmed as his successor. From 2002 to 2010, future-Attorney General Loretta Lynch was partner at Hogan & Hartson.)
25 May 2009: Kazakhstan arrests, Moukhtar Dzhakishev, head of Kazatomprom, who had previously signed the agreement with Frank Guistra during Guistra’s and Clinton’s 2005 visit
04 November 2009: Kazakhstan’s Ex-Uranium Czar (ex-Kazatomprom President) Mukhtar Dzhakishev’s Prison Interviews regarding UrAsia, Kazatomprom, Rosatom Are Uploaded to YouTube
30 December 2009: “Iran Denies Secret Deal to Import 1,350 Tons of Kazakh Yellowcake”
25 January 2010: “KAZAKHSTAN: MONEY AND POWER” State Department Cable ((S)) Recounts KazMunaiGaz Dinner Between US Ambassador Richard E. Hoagland & Kazakhstan First Vice President Maksat Idenov, mentioning Karim Masimov (now effectively the head of all Kazakh intelligence) who is later pictured standing next to Joe Biden with Hunter Biden and Kenes Rakishev.
08 June 2010: Russia’s ARMZ (Atomredmetzoloto) to Acquire Control of Uranium One
06 August 2010: NY Merchant Bank, Mercator Corp. Chairman Jim Giffin Plead Guilty in Kazakhgate Charges
10 August 2010: “After Seven Years, ‘Kazakhgate’ Scandal Ends With Minor Indictment”
18 August 2010: “CIA Launches New Counterproliferation Center”
15 December 2010: ARMZ Uranium Holding to Acquire 100% of Australian Public Company Mantra Resources for $1.197B USD; Uranium One Gets the Right to Acquire the Asset from ARMZ Uranium Holding
22 September 2011: Daniel Poneman Role in Solyndra Restructuring (Lowering Preference for Taxpayer Repayment)
30 September 2011: Sen. Portman Says Energy Dept. Dragging Feet on USEC “American Centrifuge Project” Piketon, OH Loan Guarantee
31 May 2012: The NYTimes reports that “the bodies of 12 border guards and a local gamekeeper were found Wednesday near the post by Kazakh border troops, said the official, Turganbek Stambekov, a deputy to the director of the country’s border guard service, in a statement.”
11 August 2012: Acting Director of Kazakhstan’s Border Guard Service, Col. Turganbek Stambekov, and U.S. Ambassador Kenneth Fairfax cut the ribbon commemorating the opening of the regional canine training center at the Border Guard Academy in Almaty, Kazakhstan,
18 November 2012: Joe Biden Hangs Out at John Brennan’s Brother’s Pub in Hoboken, NJ
25 December 2012: An Antonov An-72 military transport aircraft operated by the Kazakh Armed Forces crashed about 20 kilometres (12 mi) from the city of Shymkent, Kazakhstan, where the aircraft was preparing to land. All 27 people on board died in the crash. The flight was traveling from Astana to Shymkent and was carrying seven crew and twenty members of the Kazakh border patrol, including its leader, the acting Director of the Kazakhstan Border Guard Service, Colonel Turganbek Stambekov.
07 January 2013: President Obama Nominates John Brennan as CIA Director
14 January 2013: Remaining Shares of Uranium One Bought by ARMZ (Atomredmetzoloto, a subsidiary of Rosatom)
29 January 2013: SCAT Airlines Flight 760 (Kokshetau, Kazakhstan to Almaty, Kazakhstan) crashes after the bombardier CRJ-200 Twinjet makes a sudden pitch-down maneuver in “thick fog”, killing 16 ticketed passengers, 5 crew, 1 un-ticketed child; cause never determined. SCAT is a contraction of “Special Cargo Air Transport.”
01 February 2013: Hillary Clinton Formally Resigns As Secretary Of State
23 February 2013: Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy R. Sherman departs for Almaty, Kazakhstan on Saturday, February 23, 2013 to lead the United States’ delegation to P5+1 talks over Iran’s nuclear program with Iran beginning February 26.
26 February 2013: Iran and the P5+1 resume negotiations in Almaty, Kazakhstan over Iran’s nuclear program. The P5+1 offers Iran an updated proposal based largely on the 2012 package.
07 March 2013: John Brennan Confirmed as CIA Director
5-6 April 2013: Iran and the P5+1 meet again in Almaty for a second round of talks. At the end of the meetings, negotiators announce that no further meetings are scheduled and the sides remain far apart.
07 May 2013: Hunter Biden Commissioned as Ensign in US Navy; Allegedly Assigned to Navy Public Affairs Support Element East in Norfolk, VA, a Reserve Unit
17 May 2013: Trend News Agency reports that Kazakhstan’s state-owned nuclear enterprise, Kazatomprom, has opened its first office in Washington, DC
24 June 2013: USEC “Megatons to Megawatts” Program 95 Percent Complete
23 September 2013: China’s Xinhua reports that Iran has taken over control of Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant per an agreement with Russia’s Rosatom
XX October 2013: Hunter Biden’s business partner, Devon Archer, arranges a conference call between Kenes Rakishev and John Kerry’s eldest daughter, Alex Forbes Kerry, who is seeking “investment” for her “film company.”
13 December 2013: NYTimes reports on Bob Levinson case with headline “A Disappearing Spy, and a Scandal at the C.I.A.” mentioning the “llicit Finance Group,” Anne Jablonski (wife of State Dept. official Robert Otto), describing both Levinson and Jablonski as specialists in Russian organized crime, and also mentioning Oleg Deripaska (the Russian oligarch with ties to Russian intelligence and organized crime who later funded the discredited Christopher Steele dossiers) and his two secret visits to the United States under a special FBI program. Mueller was then-head of the FBI and was later appointed to “investigate” the RussiaGate fabrications re: Donald Trump.
16 December 2013: “USEC, Enricher of Uranium for U.S., Seeks Bankruptcy”
XX January 2014: John Kerry’s daughter, Alex Forbes Kerry, and Kenes Rakishev finalize a deal by which Kenes “invests” $1M in Forbes Kerry’s start-up film production company, “Fictional Pictures,” whose now-defunct website said (as of 2012) that was “in development with The Problem with Other People for Madstone Media, Just a Pretty Face with Full Picture, and The Highline” and that “her award-winning short The Last Full Measure premiered at the Cannes Film Festival.” The co-founder of Fictional Pictures was James Oakley, director of The Devil You Know (2013) and The Con Is On (2018).
February 2014: Alex Forbes Kerry and Hunter Biden meet Rakishev “for dinner” in Washington, DC
February 2014: Hunter Biden allegedly kicked out of US Navy for cocaine use
14 May 2014: Vice President Joe Biden’s son joins Ukraine gas company Burisma; Devon Archer, a former senior advisor to current Secretary of State John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign and a college roommate of Kerry’s stepson HJ Heinz, joined the board the month prior
2-19 July 2014: Iran and the P5+1 continue talks in Vienna on a comprehensive nuclear agreement. Early on June 19, the parties announce that they will extend the talks through November 24 and keep the measures agreed to in the interim agreement in place. The parties also announce additional actions that Iran will take, namely converting 25 kg of uranium powder enriched to 20 percent into fuel plates and downblending about 3 tons of uranium enriched to less than 2 percent. The P5+1 agrees to repatriate $2.8 billion in funds. The parties agree to resume talks in August.
13 July 2014: Secretary of State John Kerry Meets with Iranian Foreign Minister Javid Zarif
14 July 2014: Mashable reports that Iranian Diplomat Seyed Abbas Araghchi Snapped an photo of Secretary of State John Kerry during nuclear meeting and uploaded it to Instagram
25 July 2014: Case Filed Against TENEM Executive Vadim Mikerin Under Seal
31 October 2014: Then-United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein announces that Vadim Mikerin, Director General of TENAM, Boris Rubizhevsky, President of NEXGEN Security, others are being charged in a kickback scheme (Then-ADIC Andy McCabe of the FBI-WFO makes an appearance).
30 September 2014: WaPo reports “Centrus Energy, Formerly Known as USEC, Emerges from Chapter 11”
17 December 2014: Burisma Holdings Expands into Kazakhstan w/ KazMunaiGas Deal
21 January 2015: In testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Jan. 21, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken says: “We assess that we still have a credible chance of reaching a deal that is in the best interest of America’s security, as well as the security of our allies.”
27 March 2015: Nurlan Kapparov, Kazatomprom’s Wealthy CEO, Dies Suddenly at 44 of “Heart Attack” in China (He had previously been President of KazTransOil, Kazakhstan’s national pipeline operator, a subsidiary of KazMunaiGas/KazMunayGas, which months earlier entered into agreement with Burisma/Burisma Kazakhstan)
21 April 2015: Project on Government oversight publishes report entitled, “The Revolving Door Goes Nuclear,” focused on former Deputy Secretary of Energy (and COO of the Department) Daniel Poneman
27 April 2015: Kazakhstan IAEA Ink Draft Agreement on Low-Enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuel Bank
26 May 2015: Obama Officially Ends “Megatons to Megawatts” Program with Russia
14 July 2015: Obama gives speech standing next to Joe Biden announcing that a deal has been reached with Iran; NYTimes reports “Deal Reached on Iran Nuclear Program; Limits on Fuel Would Lessen With Time;” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says deal is a “historic mistake for the world”
24 July 2015: Kazatomprom CEO Askar Zhumagaliyev visits Russia, meets with General Director of Rosatom Sergey Kiriyenko, discussing Kazakhstani supply of uranium to Russia and joint ventures Karatau LLP, JV Akbastau JSC and JV Zarechnoye JSC; also met with heads of TVEL JSC and Techsnabexport JSC, both Rosatom subsidiaries
24 August 2015: Hunter Claims “Ashley Madison” Sex Site Account Created by “America’s Enemies” in June 2014 (a month after he joined Burisma)
27 August 2015: Kazakhstan, IAEA Ink Low-Enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuel Bank Deal “to Assist Non-proliferation”
27 August 2015: Russia Signs Onto Kazakhstan, IAEA LEU Bank
31 August 2015: Russian Nuclear Energy Official Vadim Mikerin Pleads Guilty to Money Laundering Conspiracy, FCPA Violation
20 October 2015: Iran’s Supreme Leader issues a statement endorsing the nuclear deal and bill passed by the Iranian parliament.
21 October 2015: KazAtomProm and Centrus Energy (formerly USEC) sign MOU on Nuclear Fuel Supply
02 November: 2015: John Kerry Praises Kazakhstan on Security
12 November 2015: E&E News reports that “DOE Deputy Secretary Daniel Poneman “Negotiated” for Several Outside Jobs,” filing 9 different notifications with the Department on his “job search” before landing at the now-reorganized company he helped bankrupt, Centrus Energy, successor to US Enrichment Corp. (USEC)
30 November 2015 (Roughly): NYMEX OTC Uranium Prices (USD/lbs) Begin Year of Decline
08 December 2015: Iran is Reported As Considering Kazakhstan As Its Trusted Destination for Enriched Uranium
22 December 2015: Centrus and Russia’s TENEX (Rosatom subsidiary) Ink 10 Year Agreement for 17M SWU
28 December 2015: Iran announces that it shipped 8.5 tonnes of low-enriched uranium, including the 20 percent enriched material in scrap and waste, out of the country to Russia. In return, Iran receives 140 tonnes of uranium yellowcake
30 December 2015: Statement by Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev on JCPOA/Iran Deal
04 April 2016: Hunter Biden is pictured meeting President Obama in the Oval Office roughly one month before his business partner, Devon Archer is charged in a municipal bond fraud scheme
11 May 2016: Hunter Biden’s business partner, Devon Archer, and six others are charged in 3/2014-4/2016 Oglala Sioux MuniBond Fraud (including John “Yanni” Galanis, a convicted racketeer whom Giuliani sent to prison for 27 years in 1988, but who was allowed to “walk away” from his work release program in 2001, some allege to work with the US government on issues related to the Gambino crime family and the European narcotics trade, which his sons were caught up in; the precise destination of the pilfered profits isn’t clear, although Archer joined Burisma in 4/2014 and Biden in 5/2015
26 January 2016: Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, says that Iran and China had signed a basic agreement to formalize China’s assistance in redesigning the Arak reactor during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Iran the previous week.
4 October 2016: NAC Kazatomprom JSC and Uranium One Inc. (now a part of Rosatom’s) Sign MOU on Karatau Joint Venture (Enrichment Per NAC Kazatomrpom Contract w/ Uranium Enrichment Centre JSC)
5 October 2016: Uranium One issues press release on aforementioned deal
31 October 2016 (Roughly): NYMEX OTC Uranium Prices (USD/lbs) Hit Decade Low
13 December 2016: President Rouhani announces Iran will respond to Washington’s extension of the Iran Sanctions Act by researching and developing nuclear propulsion for marine vessels
15 December 2016: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry reissues sanctions waivers early, on the same day that the ISA renewal comes into effect, to demonstrate the U.S. commitment to the JCPOA
09 January 2017: China’s CEFC agrees with Kazakh state oil unit on stake transfer; $680 million for 51 percent of KMG International, a fully-owned unit of Kazakh state oil and gas firm KazMunayGaz/KazMunaiGaz that owns a key refinery in Romania on the Black Sea Port of Constanta, a fertilizer plant, and nearly 1,000 petrol stations in Europe
25 February 2017: “Iran Plans to Buy Kazakh Uranium Yellowcake, Seek Russia’s Help in Making Nuclear Fuel”
28 July 2017: “Kazakh KazMunayGas to Transfer Shares to CEFC China Energy”
29 August 2017: IAEA Launches Low-Enriched-Uranium Bank In Eastern Kazakhstan w/ Warren Buffet, US, Norway, UAE, EU, Kazakhstan, and Kuwait Investment
02 November 2017: Kazakhstan Uranium Czar Mukhtar Dzakishev Claims He Was Imprisoned for Opposing “Uranium One” Takeover
11 September 2017: NGO Warns That Life of Jailed Kazakhstan Uranium Czar is in Danger
29 January 2018: Kazakh President Nazarbayev Advocates For Iran Nuclear Deal
23 August 2018: Biden business associate Kenes Rakishev attempts to link former BTA Bank head Mukhtar Ablyazov to Trump in Newsweek via son-in-law/ex-Almaty Mayor Khrapunov’s purchase of units in Trump SoHo via Felix Sater (Google: “OIA Waiver”); the Khraphunov case in London hinges on testimony of Ukrainian lawyer Olena Tyschenko who *claims* she was detained by Russia in 2013 for laundering money allegedly on behalf of Rakishev foe Ablyazov. Some might speculate that Rakishev has essentially stolen Ablyazov’s company w/ the backing of Russian, Kazakh, UK, US, and Ukrainian authorities and legitimized said theft via claims of fraud, embezzlement, corruption against his predecessor. Ablyazov is conveniently the only viable political opponent of Kazakhstan’s regime and one of the masterminds behind recent anti-“Chinese Expansion” protests which have swept Kazakhstan.
19 March 2019: Kazakhstan Uranium Czar Mukhtar Dzakishev Released from Prison
23 August 2019: Unsealed Filings Detail Felix Sater’s Work as Intelligence Asset (Google: “Limited Hangout”)
18 September 2019: Court Suspends NY Lawyer Who Filed Sealed Info on Felix Sater
24 October 2019: Hunter Biden’s 2016 legal work in Romania raises new questions about his overseas dealings (see KazMunayGas/CEFC)
05 December 2019: Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Hits Sater with $14K/mo Alimony
21 February 2020: “Court Vacates Suspension of Lawyer Who Filed Sealed Info on Felix Sater”
07 August 2020: “Biden says he opposes uranium mining around Grand Canyon, citing importance to tribes”
18 August 2020: Senate Select Committee on Intelligence releases the misleading and selectively-redacted Part 5 of their report on Russiagate. Part 5 details the part of the Counterintelligence frame job that they want you to see; “Kazakhstan” is mentioned 13 times in the unreacted reporter, while “Deripaska” is mentioned 340 times, “Sater” is mentioned 479 times.
16 September 2020: Journalist John Solomon reveals that the US Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) turned over Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) which flagged several foreign transactions to Hunter Biden-connected businesses as “suspicious.”
15 October 2020: FinCEN Files reveal $100M in “suspicious transactions” by former Trump associate Felix Sater (again, previously described as a US intelligence asset who is now likely being squeezed due to his proximity to Trump and his being offsides with Biden/Rakishev crime family), as well as transactions by Sater’s and his wife’s company, and transactions BTA Bank founder Ablyazov’s family. Curiously, transactions related to the Biden family aren’t revealed.