全米で再び暴動が広がる——「ミネソタ暴動」は3夜目に突入しポートランドにも飛び火 警察は催涙ガスを発射 州兵も出動

ミネソタ州ブルックリンセンターで警察を取り囲む群衆|4月12日撮影(Photo via Flickr)
Riot police showed up. pic.twitter.com/xJEpfjpDVo
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) April 12, 2021
Further commodity liberation efforts are being conducted by BLM social justice activists in Brooklyn Center. https://t.co/e9GEUtx85X
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) April 12, 2021
THE LATEST: Looting in Brooklyn Center. @KARE11 pic.twitter.com/PfFlBAISR8
— Dave Peterlinz (@DPet_KARE11News) April 12, 2021
【訳】ブルックリンセンターにあるCVS(ドラッグストア・チェーン)が略奪されている。Foot Locker(靴の小売店)とウォルマートも略奪。略奪騒ぎがやり放題!
【訳】速報:ブルックリンセンター近くのウォルマートとFoot Lockerで大規模な略奪行為が発生していることの報道
20歳のドンテ・ライト殺害について、ミネソタ警察と抗議デモとの間では依然として緊張状態。彼はミネソタ警察に交通違反で取り締まりを受けていた。#ブルックリンセンター #ミネアポリス
A crowd of about 200 have gathered near the Kelly Penumbra building. Projectiles including bottles, rocks and large fireworks have been thrown at police. Windows have been broken. 1/2 pic.twitter.com/Jsrl63LeCJ
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) April 13, 2021
Portland protesters march to The Penumbra Kelly police precinct after a vigil for Daunte Wright, who was killed by a Minnesota police officer. #Portland #PDX #Protest pic.twitter.com/eDj4aKd9s6
— Independent Media PDX (@NDpendentPDX) April 13, 2021
"Every city. Every town. Burn the precincts to the ground." pic.twitter.com/QlK6EiHBC4
— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) April 13, 2021
At the precinct, officers come out towards the crowd. Some in the crowd throw fireworks. pic.twitter.com/ETFXi1fddp
— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) April 13, 2021
Officers have come out in force to pursue the crowd pic.twitter.com/cpV2Xd9eOT
— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) April 13, 2021
Protesters have lit a dumpster on fire in front of the Penumbra Kelly building. Protesters are in the streets of Portland Oregon tonight after the murder of Daunte Wright#Minneapolis #DaunteWright #Portland #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #JusticeForDaunteWright pic.twitter.com/2opGZtnEX9
— Bethany Heather (@BethanyHeather_) April 13, 2021
The @MNNationalGuard supported security missions in Brooklyn Center, Minneapolis and St. Paul last night. Just over 2,000 Guardsmen are on duty to assist local authorities in maintaining peace, with more service members coming on duty over the next few days. pic.twitter.com/wD43kpSE8P
— Minnesota National Guard (@MNNationalGuard) April 13, 2021
この夜、デモ参加者たちは「ACAB(All Cops Are Bastards=すべての警官はろくでなし)」と書かれた盾を持ち、死亡したドンテ・ライトさんの名前と「Black Lives Matter」と掛け声を上げながら警察官たちを取り囲んだ。
Current scene here in #BrooklynCenter Police try and break up the protesters for #DaunteWright with tear gas and flash bangs pic.twitter.com/DJjKCwpMnI
— Lisa Bennatan (@LisaBennatan) April 14, 2021
Lots of people ready for a fight pic.twitter.com/EUFpGp8ra8
— Narwitz (@SophNar0747) April 14, 2021
I’m guessing 30 mins tops until it all breaks down pic.twitter.com/8vTlW8BUq9
— Narwitz (@SophNar0747) April 14, 2021
Dispersal order pic.twitter.com/CKzNnTvllP
— Narwitz (@SophNar0747) April 14, 2021
このように全米に広がる暴動や抗議デモについて、某大手検索エンジンでは「暴動 今日」と検索してもミネソタ州の暴動を報じる記事が表示されず、シャドーバンが行われていると報じられている。
WOW Search Results for "Riots Today" on DuckDuckGo vs Google (4/12/21) pic.twitter.com/i9ocM8jbxC
— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) April 13, 2021
某大手検索エンジンでは、1月6日の議事堂襲撃を報じる記事や、40年前に発生したブリックストン暴動が検索結果に表示された。 それに対して、DuckDuckGoはミネソタ暴動に関する最新記事が検索結果に表示されている。
Get ready for another round of articles.
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) April 12, 2021
'Why burning down small businesses and looting Nike for the latest Air Max is a legitimate form of protest'. pic.twitter.com/WpVy8pJ0qY
一方、南カリフォルニアのハンチントンビーチでは、4月11日(日曜)、「White Lives Matter(白人の命は大切)」という抗議デモが発生し、それに反対するグループと衝突する事態が発生している。
This man, who was waving a flag pole with a “Trump 2020” flag among others, was just arrested at the “White Lives Matter” protest in #HuntingtonBeach. Earlier he was involved in an altercation with counter-protesters and his flags ripped down. He returned with the flags. @CBSLA pic.twitter.com/fL7g9sC744
— John Schreiber (@johnschreiber) April 11, 2021
A crowd has now gathered in front of the #HuntingtonBeach police substation where police escorted a White Lives Matter protester. Mounted deputies and police in tactical gear stationed outside. pic.twitter.com/Fqwffu5qKX
— John Schreiber (@johnschreiber) April 11, 2021
Before the #HuntingtonBeach "White Lives Matter" rally was declared an unlawful assembly, there were fights between protesters and counter-protesters with at least 3 people detained that we saw. Unclear how many total were arrested/detained. @CBSLA pic.twitter.com/hWtKkAvmvn
— John Schreiber (@johnschreiber) April 11, 2021